What Is Your Mind Staying On?

October 11, 2024

By Gabbi Mirabella

You will keep the mind that is dependent on you in perfect peace, for it is trusting in you. Trust in the LORD forever, because in the LORD, the LORD himself, is an everlasting rock!

Isaiah 26:3-4

If someone took inventory of your mind throughout the day, what would they see?

Was your mind running back and forth, thinking about all the checklists to complete and the things to do?

Was your mind fixated on a bad view of self?

Would they see a mind that is filled with worry and concern, grasping for control in every situation?

Would they see fear, doubt, anxiousness, or hopelessness? 

Or would they see a mind that stayed on the Lord? In perfect peace, dependent on Him alone?

Perfect peace… I know, it seems unattainable, unrealistic, and maybe even like God didn't mean this for you and me.

But the Bible is the true, authentic, living, breathing Word of our Almighty God, and what He promises is available to you and I today. We don't have to wishfully pray for this; we can walk in the promises of God. 

Craig Groeschel said it best: “Our lives are always moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts.” 

I was walking through a season where the only way I could describe my mind was “chaotic,” and one day, I came across this beautiful song by Melissa Hesler titled “Sound Mind.” As I was listening to it and meditating on the lyrics, I realized I did not know what they were singing about. These words struck me and sent me on a journey to learn about this promise from God. Some of the lyrics go like this: 

“In the chaos, You are the peace

In my suffering, You're here with me

In the darkness, You never leave

God of Mercy, You're walking with me

I surrender anxiety

All the striving has to cease

In this moment, You're still the King

This is the gift You are giving to me

A sound mind for the spirit of fear

A sound mind so that I can see clearly

A sound mind, Your Spirit is here

A sound mind, a sound mind.”

Then it goes on to say, 

“A sound mind…

This is my inheritance

What the blood of Jesus paid for

This is my inheritance

A sound mind.”

“This is my inheritance, a sound mind.” These words echoed in the deepest parts of my soul. I realized that the war in my mind could cease—that there could be silence in the chaos, stillness in the place that's hardest to silence, peace that surpasses all understanding. This is what I had heard about, and it was available to me—and it was rightfully mine as a child of God. 

A mind that is fixated on God isn't something I have to strive for or wish for, but it is a promise I can cling to.

1 Timothy 1:7 says, ”For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Friend, as followers of Jesus Christ, you have the Holy Spirit living in you. God has not given us a spirit of fear that is of this world, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind.

As we meditate on Isaiah 26:3-4, as we trust in the Lord, as we keep our minds stayed on Him, and as we come to the realization that our mind must be dependent on God alone, He keeps us in perfect peace. God is worthy to be trusted. He is an everlasting Rock, always available, always on the throne. And we have an inheritance as daughters, that our minds may rest in His presence—in perfect peace.

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