When I am Listening

March 4, 2016

By Xiomara Rivera


I was in my garden the other day, one of the many places that God speaks to me, and I suddenly noticed the beauty of this bougainvillea I planted a few years ago. An overwhelming sense of His presence came over me at that very moment. I felt God’s calm embrace me and my thoughts. It was like a warm hug and a breath of fresh air at the same time. I was assured at that very moment that God was always in control, He always provides and I’m never alone. He knows what I need or do not need and at the precise moment I need it. I immediately captured a still picture of this beautiful vine God used to speak to me. The very first image was perfect!


Through that image, I was reminded that the huge vine did not grow because I planted it perfectly nor watered it just right. It grew that beautifully becaupink-bougainvillease God provided the perfect scenario for this vine to grow and bear the beautiful flowers at that perfect time. Each branch intertwined perfectly and supported the other branch to create this massive vine with beautiful flowers. It made me think of my role in God’s divine plan and how I am called to in
tertwine with others in my community for His glory and purpose.


The beauty of God’s Word is that if we study it, we learn to apply his Word to our lives and discern his voice via the vehicle of his choice. That day he used my garden and the vine. I came back inside from my garden and smiled. I smiled because God knows me so well. He knows exactly how to reach me and open my eyes to what He is planting in my own life through his Word, His beautiful creations and the people divinely crossing my path. He managed to use this vine to communicate his word to me. I heard two scriptures very clearly that day.


So neither he who plants is anything nor he who waters, but (ONLY) God who makes it grow and become greater. 1 Corinthians 3:7

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5


Those words were confirmation for me that I am not alone. God will always provide and He is in control. God knows that I am in a season of uncertainty. Some days are rather frustrating and discouraging as I seek guidance and clarity in pursuing the next steps in this season in my life.


That morning in the garden, however, it felt a little different. I heard God explain to me that I must dig a little deeper so that He can plant the perfect seeds and set up the perfect lighting to help me grow into the new life He has in mind for me. I heard that I needed to have faith and patience in his ability to grow and prune the perfect vine. I heard that His plan is bigger and better and will bear the perfect bloom if I just focus on my part in the vine.


We all have a divine purpose and need each other to live out our Godly assignments and unless we are connected to the vine, we cannot thrive.  Wow, God is amazing! It was confirmed through this Word that we are not meant to be alone. We must remain in Him and allow Him to remain in us intertwining with one another to create the divine beauty He has in mind. We all have a specific purpose and all the branches will come together and grow into God’s beautiful vine baring amazing blessings.

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