Who Does God Say You Are?

August 12, 2014

by Dawn Smiling

"Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish."
Esther 4:16 NIV

It is amazing how new challenges in one’s life brings out new fears.  A new job, a new relationship, a trip to a new place, a new business or a new call from God can bring out anxiety you did not know you had.

Can you imagine how Esther felt when her cousin Mordecai placed the plight, future, and survival of the Israelites in her hands.  He did just that.  It was his words in Esther 4:14 hinting to Esther that everything which prepared her to be in the position she was now in are for “such a time as this?”

tumblr_mul52hxop81rj3ommo1_1280But do we not love the actions of Esther?  She realized what she did not have, but she also realized what she did have.   She refused to let her self-esteem get in the way of helping her people.  Does your self-esteem get in your way of doing, being, going, and having all that God wants for you?  Esther could only go to the King by invitation, and she did not have one.  Yet, she did not let this affect her self-esteem.  She believed she deserved to be where God had placed her.  Do you stop short of what God has for you, what God has called you to do, or who God has said you are because your self-esteem gets low and clouds your vision of how God sees’ you?

If Esther allowed the way she was raised to be a factor, she would never have gained the courage she needed.  She had to leave her past behind and build on where God had placed her.  What was your turning point?  The point where you realized your past is healed, forgiven and covered by the blood of Jesus.  You now have God’s permission to go forth and spread your beauty all over.

Esther took amazing actions.  She focused on the positives and not the negatives.  Is it easier for you to write down your faults instead of your positive traits and beautiful inner qualities?  Esther could not waste time on her flaws, imperfections, and weaknesses.  Make a list of your positive attributes and read it out loud.  If this does not work for you, ask a friend to help you.  The key is to see yourself as God sees you.  Esther did not need the people’s approval, she needed God’s approval.

Esther did not leave her self-esteem to the position she held and the things she acquired.  She asked the people to pray.  Esther elevated her self-esteem through prayer.  She said “if”, meaning just in case this does not work out, God is still God and I am still Esther.  I am still the smart, beautiful, talented, anointed women of God.   I see myself as God sees’ me and that will be enough.

Who does God say you are?


Dawn Smiling



Dawn Smiling enjoys volunteering at Grace Family Church as a prayer counselor, part of the soul care ministry, and as a table leader for Beautiful Monday Nights. 


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