You Thrill Me, Lord

February 26, 2013

by Debbie Altman

I’ve been a Christian for 37 years now, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to express enough, how thankful I am to Jesus for who He is, and for the life He offers us.

Like all of us, I have a little bit of junk in my trunk!   Given up for adoption at birth, then alcoholism and divorce in my family.  That sums up the basics without too much gore!  I grew up with a taste of God from Catholic church on Easter and Christmas.  I had never been a REALLY bad girl, at least in all the outward appearances. But like all of us, there was a big ache, a knowledge of my true self that made me dissatisfied, aware of my own inward sin, and hungry for something more.  When I was introduced to a RELATIONSHIP with Jesus just after high school, my whole world opened up!  Boy, did I get MORE!

I love the Psalms because the writer is so brutally honest about the tough stuff of life, yet he is always trying to express how amazing God is and how much he wants to praise Him!  I can relate!  I have wallowed with David in “the pits,” but in spite of that, (and sometimes because of it…), I identify with how much he loves and appreciates God, and wants to shout it from the mountaintops!

“You thrill me Lord with all you have done for me!”  Psalm 92:4

“How joyful are those who fear the Lord and delight in obeying His commands.  Their children will be successful everywhere; an entire generation of godly people will be blessed….Light shines in the darkness for the godly.  They are generous, compassionate and righteous.  Such people will not be overcome by evil.  Those who are righteous will be long remembered.  They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them…Their good deeds will be remembered forever.  They will have influence and honor. “  Psalm 112

Serving and obeying God brings such tremendous benefit to our lives!  Seeking after God and His ways brings light to our darkness, and the healing passes to the lives of our children and grandchildren, and the world around us!  He brings us out of brokenness and obscurity to a place of influence and honor!  I want to shout it from the rooftop!  The Lord is good!!!   And even through the hard times, He brings blessing and honor on a life lived for Him! 

I know that the struggles in life can beat us down and tempt us to doubt God.  But I plead with you today, “Do not grow weary in doing good, for in due time, you will reap a harvest.”  (Galatians 6:9) Stay the course with God.  Do not turn to the right or to the left.   Keep the end in mind!  The rewards for your life are too many to count!

Lord Jesus, I cry out to You today for anyone reading this who feels weary, or who is fighting the pull to wander away from You.  Wrap Your big arms around them and hold them close and whisper in their ear how much You have in store for them.  Give them the strength, courage and vision today to go on with You to the end. Provide for them and show them Your tender goodness.    In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Debbie is the wife of Pastor Craig Altman, and together, they founded Grace Family Church 18 years ago.  She is a former RN and mother of a 27 year old married daughter and 26 year old son.  She is also known as “Nona” to her precious granddaughter. Debbie enjoys family, reading and the beach, and is inappropriately competitive at board games.


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