Fearlessly in Need

August 4, 2017

By Ashley Kuczynski



We were smack dab in the middle of our “Believing Jesus” study by Lisa Harper and deeply engaged in the book of Acts.  A member in my GFC summer group asked, “How do you all feel about asking for help?”  The verse in Acts 2:32 says “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared in everything they had”. The community of the early church was such that what was literally mine was also yours and the pool of resources were distributed based on need. The early church lived together, worked together, ate together, worshipped together, and met the needs of each other together.


This summer I've been reminded time and time again that God is the God of community. In fact, He’s the creator of community with the climax of creation and the original community… The Family. Following the creation of community throughout the word of God are testimonies of His mighty power in the presence of our togetherness.


The Israelites were delivered from slavery together, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego survived the fiery furnace together, Gideon and his soldiers were delivered from a fierce enemy together, the walls of Jericho fell when a group or community of men marched around them, and Jesus would not even begin his ministry until he had assembled a group who would be with Him in ministry.


As I reflect back over the times in my life where I have audibly and tangibly witnessed involvement from God, it has been in the presence of other believers in Community.  God literally arrives when we are in the presence of each other. His word says that where two or more are gathered in His name there He will be (Matthew 18:20).



In January at the Fearless conference, I attended the “Organizing Your Home” breakout session. After teaching methods and organizing hacks were shared by the speaker,  our session was opened for questions. A woman named Felicia raised her hand. She proceeded to explain that she’s a single mom of twin 10-year old girls, works full-time, is also in college struggles in organizing her home because it takes time that she truly does not have.


Another woman in the group named Mia, a complete stranger to Felicia, piped up and said, “I’d like to help you. I didn’t know why the Lord told me to come into this session but He told me to come in because He had something in here for me”. The interaction was sweet and I remember it well.


Several months later I ran into Felicia at a Saturday night service. As we caught up and connected in conversation, she proceeded to tell me how Mia had honored her offer and had started to come over and help her in organizing her home. She said their was an instant bond as they connected over shared single motherhood and this new friendship has made her feel less alone. Felicia said that she went to the Fearless conference expecting and knowing that God was going to do something big, but that something manifested in an unexpected way and has confirmed how much God really does SEE our needs.


For me, the question is not how I feel about asking for help, but rather, am I surrounded by those who recognize when I need it? I was reminded that worship takes on many forms and sometimes it’s two new friends connecting together while cleaning and organizing a home.

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