Hip Hip, Hurray!

September 13, 2011

by Maria Ausburn

OH MY DEAR!! I just want to get out my pom poms, jump up and down, and scream, “YEA!!”

Let me explain why.

It’s September 12th at 9:28 p.m. and I recently arrived home from our first Beautiful Monday night bible study. It was amazing!

I led a table and every woman at my table was there by a divine appointment. Although women weren’t sure they had chosen this table at the Beautiful launch, we quickly realized it didn’t matter.

As I sat there listening to these women speak into one another’s lives and into my life, I saw how they connected to each other in a way that only God could have orchestrated. They allowed themselves to be vulnerable in the group on the first night! Did I mention that we all just met tonight? Amazing!

At the end of the night, when we gave each other hugs goodbye, everyone felt as I did – connected to another women who once may have been a stranger, but now is a familiar face that may lead to a lifelong friend.

The Beautiful Ministry is for every woman in any stage of life. Beautiful Monday nights are a wonderful way to connect, whether you have been at Grace Family Church in Tampa since its beginning, or you just started attending.

I’m so excited about this new opportunity and can’t wait to get back there next week!

Beautiful Monday nights meet each week in the GFC sanctuary at 7 p.m. This large-group, women’s Bible study offers worship, dynamic speakers and small group discussion at each table. For more information, email beautiful@gfconline.com.

OH MY DEAR!! I just want to get out my pom poms, jump up and down, and scream, “YEA!!” Let me explain why.

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