Rejoiced Over

October 18, 2013

by Wendi Braswell

When I met with Kristin months before A Beautiful Weekend, I wasn't even sure if she wanted me to take part in the retreat, let alone lead a break out session. You see, I'm very successful in my career in fashion, but have yet to share this part of me with my church family. When we were taking about the theme of "Breakfast at Tiffany's", I knew that this was right up my ally! I began listening for what God wanted me to say to these beautiful women.

The theme kept going back to talking about "your beauty battle." We all have one and I wanted to be as honest as possible. Working with women of all ages, I've found they are all very similar and lack confidence with their appearance in some way. I've always loved women retreats, time away, no household chores, girlfriend time, and God time. I was so excited to hear what God had to say to me...that big "A HA!" moment that I always seemed to leave with. That very first night I opened that little beautiful blue box to find my word...rejoiced over. Hmmm... I looked around at the women at my table to see their reaction. Did they  feel nothing like I did? To be honest I went back to my hotel room that night to google it. Yes. Google it. Rejoiced over means to celebrate because of something. I smiled and knew at that moment God was saying to me that He is celebrating over me! Wow! Now my word from my little blue box had some power behind it. God has prepared my heart for women to feel valued, loved, special, and to make them feel like they matter. It just so happened I get to do this by teaching women to look their very best.

The day of my breakout session I had visions of just ME showing up, so I was thrilled to see we needed to add chairs. I should have known God would show up BIG. We talked about our beauty battles; body image, not being worthy, not enough or just wanting to disappear. We talked about our God given body types and how to dress them. When the session was over there was a line of women with various questions mostly about their body type. In the back of the room lingering at the end was a small shy women with tears in her eyes. She began to explain the struggle she is having with this new body shape since her cancer, aging and lack of confidence. She said she just didn't feel pretty anymore. I knew at that moment my calling to love women and "rejoice over" them was being confirmed. We talked and hugged, and she went on her way more encouraged than when she arrived. The last day Pat taught us that everyday is ordained. I'm thrilled and excited that our  God has big plans for us and rejoices over us each and every day!


"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Stay beautiful my friends~

To find out more about Wendi, check out her website 


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