Singing the Psalms

February 1, 2013

Today we begin a new series on A Beautiful Blog. All month long our bloggers will be sharing their favorite verses in Psalms and Proverbs. God has given us numerous life lessons and principles for living in these books. We hope our stories bring you encouragement and hope.

by Julie Jaunese

My husband and I left the denominational church in 1977 and became part of a nondenominational church.  The church was small and met in a Holiday Inn in Michigan.  We had a guitar and drums for music.  The songs we sang were all written directly from scriptures.  What a great way to learn scripture! I remember singing Psalm 61 when I was feeling low:  “Hear my cry, oh Lord, attend unto my prayer.  From the ends of the earth will I cry unto thee.  And when my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I – that is higher than I.”  Psalm 91 tells me how protected I am and Psalm 23 tells me how God walks beside me.

My small group, the Yada’s (which means to be known intimately), has been reading Talking Back to God- Speaking your Heart to God Through the Psalms by Lynn Anderson.  As we studied this book I was constantly reminded of verses I had memorized though song.  The songs I memorized were more than 35 years ago and I haven’t forgotten a tune or a word.  Better yet, the songs from scripture that I learned in “Girls Missionary Guild” when I was 9 years old still stay with me, and that is more years ago than I want to claim! 

While studying Psalms 91 with the Yada’s I decided to look to see if I could find the tune I had learned to memorize this Psalm and see is I could get it for my group.  I never found it but I found a group from Australia called Sons of Korah.  This group has lots of albums that are the Psalms sung word-for-word.  What a great way to memorize the Psalms.  Put a CD in while working around the house or driving the children to school.  The words we learn in song are never gone from us.  Ladies, there is nothing better than driving in your car hearing your children sing God’s word at the top of their lungs.  Remember, your children will emulate what you do.  Be the example.

Let me leave you with these words from Psalm 119:9-16 from The Message:

How can a young person live a clean life?
By carefully reading the map of your Word. 
I’m single-minded in pursuit of you.
Don’t let me miss the road signs you’ve posted.
I’ve banked your promises in the vault of my heart
So I won’t sin myself bankrupt.
Be blessed, God;

Train me in your way of wise living.
I’ll transfer to my lips
All the counsel that comes from your mouth;
I delight far more in what you tell me about living
Than in gathering a pile of riches.
I ponder every morsel of wisdom from you,
I attentively watch how you’ve done it.
I relish everything you’ve told me of life,
I won’t forget a word of it.

When I was little I was taught that you never know when you may not have a Bible, but have need of God’s word.  I challenge you to memorize Psalm 119:9-16, either through music or however it works for you.  Remember, each time you memorize the scripture you are “hiding (banking) it in the vault of your heart.” 


Julie Jaunese has been married to her husband Michael for 41 years. She has two daughters and three grandchildren. She works at Moffitt Cancer Center and hosts two women’s small groups, the Yada Book Club and the Fabulous Fems. Mike and Julie have been part of Grace Family Church since it began with 40 people in a house.


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