Where I Find Rest

December 23, 2016

By Sue Nichols



"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

It is Christmas time! Are you feeling the hustle and bustle? Lately, have you had any conversations revolving around how fast life is passing by, how busy you feel or how tired you are? I feel like most women can relate to having so many things to do on our plate. In fact, I've been surprised about some of the conversations I've had lately with women, of all generations, giving me the same sentiments. To be honest, I've been trying to decrease the busyness in my life for years.


The other day, I realized that God was asking me to give up something that I love to do. He was asking me to stop making jewelry. I was having a hard time wrapping my mind around doing what He was asking me to do. God gave me the inspiration to begin this business and the extra money was nice. Why would He ask me to give up something that means so much to me? I decided not to listen to Him.


Then, I found myself in a situation of “beyond busyness.” The kind of busyness that takes your focus completely off of God. The kind of busyness that is so distracting you can only focus on the task at hand. The kind of busyness that shows you, when you take a step back, that you're letting important pieces of your life fall by the wayside...like your family. The kind of busyness that sucks the joy and happiness out of your life.


where-i-find-restThe moment I saw this, my heart completely sank. I did not want to live this way! I realized God was asking me to trust Him. I was praying for Him to help me decrease the busyness and I was not listening to Him. He was not asking me to give up my jewelry forever. It just is not the right season. This busyness becomes a burden on me and my family and leaves me tired and weary in the end.


Today, I have a profound peace to lay down my jewelry making in this season of my life. Actually, I feel an excitement of how He will continue to guide me.  I believe God does not want us running around in the distracting, tiresome busyness most of the world lives in. We can trust in God's timing. When we seek His guidance and council which may mean we stop doing something we love to do, he gives us what we have been searching for.


I am praying that God shows me other ways to decrease the busyness and increase peace, joy and laughter in my life.


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